
Which Snapchat Planet Represents Your Best Friend?

"Discover which Snapchat Planet represents your best friend and learn how the Snapchat Solar System shows friendship rankings in the app."

As you’re scrolling through your Snapchat planets stories, you can’t help but wonder – which celestial body embodies the quirks and charm of your ride-or-die? Is your best friend a fiery Mars, always ready to ignite a spark, or a chill Neptune, effortlessly gliding through life’s ups and downs? Maybe they’re a dependable Earth, always keeping it real, or a dramatic Jupiter, making an entrance wherever they go. Whatever their planetary persona, you’re about to find out – so grab some popcorn, get cozy, and let’s blast off into the cosmos of BFFs!

The Cosmic Connection

While browsing through your Snapchat friends list, have you ever wondered what the planets say about your best friend? You know, the one who’s always there to lend a listening ear or share a ridiculous meme. Well, wonder no more! We’re about to investigate the fascinating world of Snapchat astrology and explore what those celestial bodies reveal about your BFF.

What do the Snapchat planets say about your BFF?

The positions of the planets on Snapchat can give you insight into your best friend’s personality, strengths, and weaknesses. From the adventurous Mars to the empathetic Neptune, each planet represents a unique aspect of your BFF’s character. So, which planet does your best friend embody?

A brief history of astrology in social media

After the rise of Co-Star and other astrology-based apps, it’s clear that people are fascinated by the connection between the stars and their online personas. [You’ve probably spent hours scrolling through your feeds, wondering what your astrological sign says about your social media habits.]

Another interesting aspect of astrology in social media is how it has become a way to express oneself and connect with others who share similar interests. From astrology-themed memes to zodiac-based friend groups, the internet is filled with people eager to explore the mysteries of the universe and their online identities. [You might be surprised by how much your Snapchat planet reveals about your online personality!]

Mercury – The Mischievous One

There’s a reason Mercury is known as the trickster of the solar system – it’s always up to something mischievous. If your best friend is a Mercury, they’re probably always keeping you on your toes with their quick wit and sharp tongue.

Does your friend have a quick wit and a sharp tongue?

To say the least, a Mercury friend is never boring. They’ll always have a clever comeback or a sarcastic comment ready to go, and you’ll often find yourself laughing at their jokes or rolling your eyes at their sass.

How to handle their sassiness

Around them, you’ll need to develop a thick skin and learn to dish it out as well as take it. Trust us, it’s all in good fun – they’re just trying to keep things interesting!

Does your friend always seem to know exactly what to say to get under your skin, but somehow still manage to make you laugh? That’s a Mercury for you! Just be prepared for some good-natured teasing and playful jabs, and don’t be afraid to throw some right back at them. After all, with a Mercury friend, it’s all about keeping the banter going!

Venus – The Social Butterfly

Now, if your best friend is represented by Venus, they’re likely the center of attention wherever they go. They light up the room with their radiant energy and infectious smile, making everyone want to be their BFF.

Is your friend the life of the party?

Fete-like atmosphere follows them everywhere, and you’re always guaranteed a good time when they’re around. Their presence is like a shot of espresso – it energizes the whole space and gets the conversation flowing!

How to keep up with their social calendar

By syncing your schedules, you’ll avoid FOMO (fear of missing out) and ensure you’re always on the same page [make sure to set reminders, or you might miss out on the fun!].

Another trick to staying in the loop is to follow their social media accounts, where they’ll likely post updates about upcoming events and gatherings. This way, you’ll be the first to know when they’re hosting a spontaneous game night or attending a trendy new restaurant opening [be prepared to receive last-minute invites and have a flexible schedule!].

Earth – The Down-to-Earth One

Despite their laid-back demeanor, Earth friends are the glue that holds your squad together. They’re the voice of reason when you’re being dramatic, and the ones who keep your feet firmly planted on the ground.

Does your friend keep it real and grounded?

Against all odds, your Earth friend will tell you the hard truth, even if it’s not what you want to hear. [If they’re always keeping it 100 with you, that’s a sign of a true Earth friend!] They’re not afraid to speak their mind, and their honesty is refreshing in a world of sugarcoated lies.

How to appreciate their practicality

Across the board, your Earth friend’s no-nonsense approach to life is something to be admired. They’re the ones who will help you create a budget, find a decent apartment, and cook a decent meal (even if it’s just ramen noodles).

Practicality is their love language, and showing appreciation for it can go a long way. So next time they help you adult, take them out for a coffee or offer to help with theirs – it’s the little gestures that count with these down-to-earth buddies.

Mars – The Adventurous One

All friends have that one companion who’s always ready to take the leap, and if that sounds like your best friend, then Mars is their planet!

Is your friend always up for a challenge?

Beneath the surface of their fearless exterior lies a thrill-seeker who lives for the rush of adrenaline [and you’re about to find out if you’re ready to keep up!].

How to join them on their next escapade

Behind the scenes of their spontaneous plans lies a mastermind who needs a partner in crime.

Adventurous friends thrive on the energy of others, so be prepared to match their enthusiasm and suggest your own daring ideas. Who knows, you might just find yourself skydiving or trying that new extreme sport together! The key is to be open-minded and willing to take the leap of faith alongside them.

Jupiter – The Jokester

After analyzing your best friend’s personality, you’ve landed on Jupiter – the life of the party! This Snapchat planet represents the jokester, always ready with a witty remark or a silly face to brighten up your day.

Does your friend have a contagious sense of humor?

Behind their goofy grin lies a mastermind of comedy, always on the lookout for the next laugh. [If they can make you laugh on your worst days, they’re a true Jupiter!] They’re the ones who can turn a mundane conversation into a hilarious exchange, leaving you in stitches.

How to laugh along with their antics

Behind the scenes of their joke-telling lies a clever strategist, always planning their next move. [If you can keep up with their quick wit, you’ll be rewarded with a lifelong supply of laughter!] To truly appreciate their humor, be prepared to think on your feet and play along with their silly games.

And when you do, you’ll find yourself giggling uncontrollably at their ridiculous impressions or clever one-liners. By embracing their playful nature, you’ll create a lifelong bond built on laughter and good times. [If you can’t laugh at yourself, you’ll never fully appreciate their Jupiter-esque humor!] So, go ahead, let loose, and enjoy the comedic ride that is your best friend’s Jupiter personality!


So, now that you’ve figured out which Snapchat planet represents your best friend, go ahead and send them a snap with their celestial counterpart. Who knows, it might just become their new favorite emoji. You might even discover that your BFF is a Moon, always changing and adapting to your friendship’s gravitational pull. Whatever the case, this silly quiz has hopefully brought a smile to your face and a spark to your online interactions. Happy snapping!

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